be grateful

Be Grateful to the God, the universe or whatever you consider to be your spiritual guide: you speak good and it’ll be good.

One of the keys for being happy in life is acknowledging what you have and be grateful; be grateful and it will open doors. Express your gratefulness throughout the day, and see the changes.

It’s easier to appreciate when we don’t take things for granted. Be grateful for the waiter serving you coffee; the cashier at the market; your spouse who made you breakfast. Even if this is their job, when you give appreciation and gratefulness life for you and the recipient is better. It is all a matter of attitude.

This week task: make it a habit to tell people thank you, express your appreciation sincerely and without the expectation of anything in return. Remember when you don’t take anything for granted, even the smallest thing is worth your gratitude.

Don’t forget to review Healthy Life and step one